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Russia, Iran and China demand respect for Syria’s sovereignty

Damascus, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) The Russian, Iranian and Chinese governments reiterated their support for the independence and sovereignty of Syria on Wednesday, and demanded the departure of United States troops that are illegally deployed in this country.

Quoted by local media, Iran’s permanent representative at the United Nations, Amir Saeed Iravani, stressed the need for all to respect Syria’s unity and territorial integrity in accordance with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions.

He stated that some Western countries, particularly the United States, are responsible for the Syrian people’s suffering due to their imposed occupation and inhumane sanctions.

The complete, immediate and unconditional withdrawal of US forces from Syria is necessary for peace and stability, not only in Syria but of the entire region, the diplomat said during a meeting of the UN Security Council.

Iravani called on the international community not to leave the Syrian people alone in the fight against terrorism, foreign occupation and economic terrorism resulting from illegal sanctions.
