Saturday, June 29, 2024
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President Díaz-Canel condemns coup attempt in Bolivia

Havana, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel on Wednesday strongly condemned the coup attempt underway in Bolivia and extended all his country´s solidarity with the South American sister nation.

On X, the Cuban leader denounced the indications of possible military action against the Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, which would have serious consequences.

In his message he rejected the attempts to subvert the will of the people and expressed his support to the Bolivian President Luis Arce.

“The abuse of democracy and the Bolivian people shown in footage by international media in Bolivia is outrageous,” said the Cuban President.

According to press reports, in the last hours military coup plotters tried to take over the government headquarters, while President Arce denounced irregular movements of members of the Army, who closed Plaza Murillo, political epicenter of the city of La Paz, and declared that democracy must be respected.
