Saturday, June 29, 2024
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OECS urges U.S. to exclude Cuba from SSOT list

Castries, Jun 26 (Prensa Latina) The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) on Wednesday the United States to exclude Cuba from the states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SSOT) list.

We note that keeping Cuba on such a list has caused and continues to cause enormous suffering to the Cuban people, OECS reaffirmed in an official statement while expressing its solidarity with Cuba and deep over the U.S. decision, which it described as arbitrary, and also denounced these unfounded accusations, while recalling that the United States has maintained an illegal economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba for 63 years.

Both the blockade and Cuba´s SSOT list inclusion are unjust and wrongly imposed on the Cuban people, and must be ended immediately so that the harsh conditions they have endured can be alleviated, the document states.
