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US keeps Cuba in an arbitrary report on human trafficking

Washington, June 24 (Prensa Latina) The United States Government arbitrarily kept Cuba in the worst category (level 3) in its annual State Department report on human trafficking, published today.

Presented by Secretary of State Antony Blinken together with Cindy Dyer, special ambassador to monitor and combat human trafficking, the report -biased and unilateral- accuses the Government of Cuba of not fully complying with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking.

According to him, “it is not making significant efforts to do so,” therefore “Cuba remained at Level 3.”

Through this type of politically motivated exercise, Washington authorities take the illegitimate right to judge others.

To justify Cuba’s rating, the report, referring to the year 2023, uses contradictory and hardly credible arguments in which it continues to distort and defame the work of Cuban medical collaboration for decades in over a hundred countries.

In addition, trying to torpedo said cooperation until future initiatives that could benefit the people of both countries in terms of health.

“Penalization” at this level could mean sanctions for the country in question, such as the freezing of non-humanitarian and non-commercial aid or the refusal of the United States to receive loans from multilateral institutions.

Nothing more similar to the long list of prohibitions imposed by the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States Government for more than six decades against the people of the Caribbean nation.

Cuban authorities have reiterated over the years that this qualification has no relation to Cuba’s true performance in actively combatting human trafficking.

In one of the statements from previous years on the subject, the Cuban Foreign Ministry made it clear that the Government of the United States does not have any political or moral authority to judge sovereign States or issue certifications of conduct.

In this sense, he called this type of report “unilateral, without any legitimacy or international recognition,” which “meets a purely political and manipulative objective, as a weapon of pressure against other States and without respect, consideration or attachment at all to the international efforts to combat human trafficking.

It has been said that this report deliberately ignores Cuba’s exemplary and comprehensive work in preventing, confronting and responding to this scourge.

Furthermore, it has been insisted that it ignores Cuba’s zero tolerance policy against trafficking.
