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Palestinian leader accused Israel of carrying out massacres in Gaza

Ramallah, Jun 23 (Prensa Latina) The president of the Palestinian National Council, Rawhi Fattouh, today accused, once again, the Israeli army of carrying out massacres in Gaza, where more than 37 thousand dead and 85 thousand wounded have been reported in the last nine months.

The operations “of the racist right-wing government is a war of revenge against children, women and the population in general”, the Palestinian leader affirmed in a statement.

Without mentioning the United States, Fattouh criticized the support of some nations for Israel, Washington’s main ally in the Middle East.

“As long as there are countries that support and try to interfere and influence the decisions of international courts (…) and provide military backing and diplomatic immunity to the occupying entity, it will continue to commit more crimes and assassinations,” he warned.

Given this situation, he called on the international community to act immediately to stop the war against the coastal enclave.
