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Telecommunications regulators hold Summit in Bolivia

La Paz, Jun 20 (Prensa Latina) The Telecommunications and Transportation Regulation and Supervision Authority (ATT) of Bolivia, is presiding over the Summit between authorities of the sector in Latin America and Europe, on going in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

For the first time, representatives of the Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators (Regulatel) and the Body of European Regulators of ICT Electronic Communications (BEREC) meet in Bolivian soil until June 21st.

“The Regulatel-BEREC Summit is an annual event that brings together representatives of these two important organizations in the field of telecommunications,” ATT president Néstor Ríos told Prensa Latina, and assured that the main objective of this meeting is to promote cooperation and the exchange of knowledge and experiences between authorities in the sector.

Ríos stated that during the Summit the participants will discuss “issues relevant to the regulation of telecommunications, such as Fair Share, consumer protection, and the management of the radio spectrum, the promotion of innovation and investment in infrastructure.”

The expert considered that the Summit will strengthen Bolivia’s relations with other countries and international organizations and will promote cooperation on strategic issues in this sphere. He added that Bolivia will attract the attention of key actors in the sector and stimulate investments in the country as a venue for the event.

Regulatel is an international organization that joins telecommunications regulatory entities from 23 countries, of which 20 are Latin American and three are European. Its objective is to facilitate the exchange of information on the context and regulatory management, services and the telecommunications market among members, in addition to promoting the harmonization of this activity to contribute to regional integration.

BEREC, on the other hand, is the specialized entity of the European Union (EU) in charge of coordinating and supporting the implementation of regulatory policies in this sphere on the continent. Its main objective is to ensure fair competition and promote the development of the common market for electronic communications in the EU.
