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Chinese PM highlights exemplary nature of China-Malaysia ties

Beijing, Jun 19 (Prensa Latina) Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang, after he arrived in Kuala Lumpur for a two-day official visit, highlighted the exemplary nature of the ties between China and Malaysia

“Chinese-Malaysian ties are at the forefront of relations between countries in the region and constitute a point of reference and an example,” Li stressed during a meeting with his counterpart, Anwar Ibrahim.

He emphasized that “Over the past 50 years, regardless of changes in the international situation, China and Malaysia have always been committed to sincere friendship, win-win cooperation, and mutual learning, and bilateral ties have steadily advanced.”

Li’s visit to Malaysia constitutes the third leg of a tour that began on June 13th in New Zealand and continued in Australia, where the Chinese head of government co-chaired with his counterpart Anthony Albanese at the 9th Annual China-Australia Leaders’ Meeting.

Announcing the prime minister’s trip, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian noted that China and Malaysia are traditionally friendly neighbors, located across the sea facing each other. “China and Malaysia are both developing countries and emerging economies in Asia that actively advocate the Asian values of peace, cooperation, inclusion, and integration, and have made important contributions to regional peace, prosperity, and stability,” he said.

Since diplomatic ties half a century ago, bilateral relations have maintained solid development momentum, deepening strategic mutual trust, fruitful high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, and increasingly closer exchanges between people.

During his two-day visit to Malaysia, the Chinese premier will meet and hold talks with the Sultan of Malaysia, Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar, and Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, with whom he will also attend the celebration of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

The spokesman noted that China hopes to take this visit as an opportunity to carry forward the traditional friendship with Malaysia, deepen and expand cooperation in various fields, push forward the construction of a community with a shared future, and work together for even brighter Chinese-Malaysian relations for the next 50 years.
