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United Nations reinforces support to Haiti ahead of hurricane season

United Nations, Jun 18 (Prensa Latina) The United Nations (UN) confirmed on Tuesday the arrival of 55 tons of humanitarian aid to reinforce its response in Haiti as the hurricane season approaches.

The supplies will be used to help displaced people amid increasing violence in the country, the deputy spokesperson of the Secretary General (António Guterres), Farhan Haq, assured at a press conference.

According to the spokesperson, the shipment included medicines, hygiene materials and coats.

The UN estimates that about 580,000 Haitians were forced to flee their homes internally in the country, representing a 60% upsurge since March.

The most affected area is the capital, Port-au-Prince, where armed gangs control over 80%, increasing the pressure on already vulnerable communities.

As a result, in the South department, the number of displaced people rose from 116,000 to 270,000 in just three months.

Across the capital, 39 schools have been transformed into displacement sites and were out of service for teaching activities.

According to UN data, the education sector has been severely affected by the recent violence, with over 200,000 children and 4,000 teachers affected in the West and Artibonite departments.

To reinforce its response, the UN Children’s Fund and the Haitian Education Ministry began at the onset of June to provide classes and courses to compensate for the losses during the last months in 30 centers in Port-au-Prince.

Meanwhile, the World Food Program distributed 30 million meals across the country since the beginning of the current school year.
