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Cuban and South African leaders highlight historic bilateral ties

Pretoria, Jun 18 (Prensa Latina) Cuban Vice President Salvador Valdes Mesa held a meeting here on Tuesday with the Secretary General of the South African Communist Party (SACP), Solly Mapaila.

Likewise, on the encounter there were present: Tania Margarita Cruz Hernandez, First Deputy Minister of Public Health; Anayansi Rodriguez Camejo, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs; and Luis Amoros Nuñez, Director of Sub-Saharan Africa of the Cuban Foreign Ministry.

The meeting was also attended by the Cuban Ambassador to Pretoria Enrique Orta Gonzalez, and several members of the national leadership of the SACP. On the occasion, both political leaders highlighted the excellent level of ties between the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and the SACP, while recognizing the strength of the solidarity ties between Cuba and South Africa.

During the dialogue, Mapaila reaffirmed the SACP’s support for the Cuban Revolution and condemned Washington’s unilateral inclusion of Cuba among the alleged States Sponsoring Terrorism list.

Mapaila further gave an overview of the current anti-imperialist struggles, and how the actions of the United States negatively influence the socio-political future of South Africa.

Meanwhile, Valdes Mesa thanked the SACP Secretary General for the unrestricted support of the South African communists in favor of the lifting of Washington’s economic, commercial and financial blockade against the Cuban people and the solidarity shown over the years.

The Cuban vice president provided an update on the current situation in Cuba, marked by the tightening of the U.S. blockade in recent years.

Valdes Mesa is in South Africa to attend the opening of the re-elected president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa.
