Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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China rejects U.S. sanctions against Venezuela

Beijing, Jun 18 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China made a statement today regarding the sanctions imposed by the United States against Venezuela.

In a press conference, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian, urged Washington to immediately and completely stop interfering in Venezuela’s internal affairs,

The spokesman endorsed the Bolivarian government’s statement strongly condemning the process of the US authorities to take over the Citgo Petroleum Corporation, a subsidiary of the US-based Venezuelan state-owned PDVSA, which specializes in the refining of crude oil and the distribution of fuel in US territory.

The statement points out that the forced sale of that company constitutes a new episode of the multifaceted aggression executed by U.S. institutions against Venezuela.

China has always firmly upheld the UN Charter and the basic rules governing international relations, Lin said, and reaffirmed that the United States should completely abolish illegal unilateral sanctions against Venezuela and do more things conducive to peace, stability, and development of countries.
