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Havana’s book fair presents testimony work on Commander Almeida

Havana, Jun 15 (Prensa Latina) Havana’s traditional Saturday Book Fair will present today the “Juan Almeida Bosque, Testimonies of a Santiago citizen 1970-2009” book by Luis Estruch Rancaño, issued by Oriente Publishing House.

The event, organized by the Cuban Book Institute (ICL), will take place on Madera Street in Havana’s Historic Center at 11:00 a.m. local time this Saturday.

An ICL’s press release ICL points out that readers will find unforgettable and interesting experiences about the legendary Commander of the Cuban Revolution, Juan Almeida Bosque on the book.

The work described anecdotes of his presence in the heroic Santiago de Cuba during the 1970-2009 term, all of them with a marked human, social, cultural and revolutionary content.

The book is a modest tribute to the tireless fighter who accompanied Fidel Castro in the assault on the Moncada barracks with the steady resolution to die or win for the liberation of the tyrannized homeland, the press release noted.
