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Palestinians reveal torture and ill-treatment in Israeli prisons

Ramallah, Jun 13 (Prensa Latina) The Euro-Mediterranean Observatory for Human Rights today revealed testimonies of Palestinians tortured in Israeli prisons and detention centers in recent months.

In a report, the non-governmental organization denounced the mistreatment to which Palestinians are subjected in these facilities, a situation that has worsened since October 7, when the new cycle of violence broke out.

We urge the international community to break its silence and take serious action in the face of ‘the brutal torture based on discrimination, collective revenge and dehumanisation to which Palestinian civilians are exposed,’ he said.

In his testimony, Samir Abdullah Jamal Marjan, 23, said he suffered beatings, electric shocks, insults and an attempt to inject him with unknown substances.

Every day we were brutally tortured, including beatings and insults, and they used dogs to attack and intimidate us,’ said the young man, who was arrested in March and recently released.

In Ashkelon prison the situation was worse.

I was in solitary confinement and spent 12 days without food, he said.

During interrogations, he said, Israelis used electric shocks to extract confessions while asking about Hamas and its tunnels in Gaza.

When I said I didn’t know because I am a civilian and had no knowledge of such matters, they beat me, he said.

Fattah Al-Aklouk, who was arrested three times since October 7, reported that a compatriot, named Muhammad Al-Kahlot, died as a result of torture.

During my arrest there were detainees from Gaza who were classified as security prisoners and subjected to brutal mistreatment all day, he said.

A 65-year-old man, identified as S, confirmed the methods of torture and the enforced disappearance of people while he was confined.

The 20 days in prison seemed like 20 years, every day was a story of torture, beatings and humiliation,’ he said.
