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Brazilian president to participate in ILO conference and G7 Summit

Brasilia, Jun 13 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will attend a conference promoted by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland, before visiting Italy, where he will participate in the G7 Summit.

Lula will participate in the Inaugural Forum of the ILO Coalition for Social Justice, which will address the fight against social inequalities, the materialization of labor rights integrated into humans, the building of capacity and the access to productive means and the promotion of decent work.

“I am going to the ILO as a representative of the workers,” the president said before kicking of his tour.

The event is an initiative of ILO Director-General Gilbert Houngbo, who will co-chair the conference together with Lula da Silva.

In statements to reporters, Ambassador Carlos Márcio Cozendey, secretary of Multilateral Political Affairs at the Foreign Ministry, stated that at this meeting, the countries will present initiatives, projects and actions around these issues.

“After the opening, three panels will be held: Building the resilience of societies, Improving the coherence of economic and social policies, and Promoting social dialogue for prosperity,” he explained.

Among the topics of the summit are Artificial Intelligence, Energy, Africa and the Mediterranean. Pope Francis will participate in the G7 Summit and will be the initial speaker on Artificial Intelligence and Energy.

“A probable guiding axis of Lula da Silva’s speech on June 14 is how these issues relate to the Brazilian presidency of the G20, such as the launch of the Global Alliance against Hunger, for example,” Mauricio Lyrio, secretary of Economic Affairs at the Brazilian Foreign Ministry, said.

The official pointed out that Lula will present Brazil’s goals linked to the digital economy, energy transition and the promotion of peace.

Official sources confirmed that during his stay in Italy, Lula will have an audience with Pope Francis.
