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Belarus demands to remove Cuba from list of terror

Minsk, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Belarus demands to exclude Cuba from the U.S. list of countries sponsoring terrorism, the Slavic country's deputy foreign minister, Evgueni Shestakov, said today in Minsk.

It is obvious that the United States is trying to increase the pressure on the Caribbean country, Shestakov said on Wednesday after the 11th Session of the Cuban-Belarusian Joint Intergovernmental Commission for economic and trade cooperation, held in the Belarusian capital.

In his statements Shestakov said that Washington is trying to force Cubans to abandon their independence, the ideas of the revolution and the legacy of Fidel Castro.

However, regardless of the absurd accusations that the United States launches against Cuba, the world community has long known that the Island of Freedom is not a sponsor, but a victim of terrorism, the Belarusian deputy foreign minister noted.

Shestakov stressed ‘the invariable position of Minsk on the unacceptability of the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba.

In turn, he thanked the Cuban leadership for its unwavering and unconditional support for Belarusian foreign policy interests in the international arena.

‘I would like to reiterate that we value the special relationship with fraternal Cuba, which has traditionally been a reliable springboard for us, a gateway for expanding cooperation between Belarus and the rest of Latin America,’ Shestakov said.

He recalled that for many years Minsk and Havana have been linked by traditionally friendly relations based on the principles of mutual respect, understanding and support.

We adhere to common views on the world order, striving to build a just world order.

Cuba is Belarus’ major foreign policy partner in the international arena and one of the most important allies in the Western hemisphere, the diplomat stressed.
