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Argentine organizations to mobilize against Omnibus Law

Buenos Aires, Jun 12 (Prensa Latina) Members of Argentine social, union, political and human rights organizations will mobilize in front of Congress to reject the so-called Omnibus Law, which will be debated in the Senate.

The Law Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines (Omnibus) grant legislative powers for one year to President Javier Milei under the pretext of declaring a public emergency in administrative, economic, financial and energy matters.

Members of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), La Cámpora, the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA), the Autonomous CTA, the Frente Patria Grande, the Left Front, the Front of National Universities, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, the Union of Popular Economy Workers, the State Workers Association, feminist groups, students, retirees and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, among others, will demand the non-approval of the law.

Fences were placed around Congress on Tuesday and the police are expected to be deployed.

Through her profile on X, deputy of Unión por la Patria (UP) Cecilia Moreau showed images of the fence and stated that this is because the government will vote for something that against the people.

“We cannot leave the Homeland alone. They want to take away the natural resources and their profitability. The only thing that matters to them is that the senators approve the RIGI, which is the largest act of structural corruption in Argentine history,” said UP deputy Leopoldo Moreau.

One of the general secretaries of the CGT and leader of the Truck Drivers’ Union, Pablo Moyano, urged people to remain on the streets as long as necessary to demonstrate that the people are against the Omnibus Law.
