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ALBA-TCP seeks to activate risk prevention and management system

Caracas, June 12 (Prensa Latina) The 10-member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP) seek today to activate a joint system of risk prevention, management and attention.

This was revealed this Wednesday from a virtual meeting with the participation of the executive secretary of the integration bloc, Jorge Arreaza, the president of the executive board of Banco del ALBA, Raúl Li Causi, and authorities of the Venezuelan Risk Management System.

The latter presented a proposal to advance towards the structural protection of our towns against the attacks of nature, indicated the ALBA-TCP in its Telegram account.

The initiative, he indicated, seeks to promote community and professional training, the development of risk maps, early warnings and joint attention to natural disasters.

In this sense, the head of the Latin American and Caribbean mechanism highlighted the importance of promoting a joint Risk and Disaster Management System, which allows us to face the effects of climate change and keep the population prepared in any environmental circumstance.

He revealed that the representatives of Cuba and Venezuela offered to give training workshops on natural disasters and raised the need to create collection centers to support member countries that are affected by climate effects.

Lí Causi, for his part, raised the need to create an operations manual to address climate cases and a mapping of the most vulnerable areas, according to Venezolana de Televisión.

The vice chancellor for the Caribbean also stated that from the ALBA Bank “we make resources available to attend to emergencies”, which allows the heads of State and Government to make rapid use of resources for decision-making in emergency situations. .

According to the information, on July 25 the ALBA-TCP Development Agency will be created in Caracas, which could house funds for the study of risk situations, among other topics.

During the celebration in this capital of the 23rd Summit of Heads of State and Government, last April, the leaders approved the ALBA 2030 Strategic Agenda with its five horizons: economic, political, social, cultural and communications.

The economic apex proposed the expansion of the ALBA Bank, in terms of members, assets and credit capacity, as well as the adhesion to the Constitutive Agreement of all the States of the bloc and including the Bank in the local financing agenda of the countries of the Alliance .
