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Moldovan socialists recognize no victory for the ruling party

St. Petersburg, Russia, Jun 9 (Prensa Latina) The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova announced on Sunday that it will not recognize the hypothetical victory of current president, Maia Sandu, of the Action and Solidarity Party, in the October presidential elections, as stated by Socialist leader Igor Dodon, who served as Moldova's president from 2016 to 2020.

“In such a scenario, we should not recognize those polls. I am sure that Sandu is a loser in Moldova,” Dodon said.

Unlike the West, the overwhelming majority of Moldovans will not recognize these elections, Dodon stressed.

The presidential elections will be followed by the parliamentary elections in the middle of next year, and the opposition will win in any case. Maia Sandu and the ruling party have no chance to win, he forecast.

70% of citizens voted against them in 2023’s elections and the same will happen in the parliamentary elections, he added.

For Dodon, “Maia Sandu means war. She is preparing the country for the Ukrainian scenario, it is identical to what happened in Ukraine: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), military exercises, arms procurement, the same here in the last year and a half, the politician argued.
