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Federal Chamber orders Argentine ministry to comply with court order

Buenos Aires, June 5 (Prensa Latina) The Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires today supported the ruling of Judge Sebastián Casanello and ordered the Argentine Ministry of Human Capital to distribute nearly six thousand tons of food held in that organization's warehouses.

Judges Martín Irurzun, Eduardo Farah and Roberto Boico, of room II of that court, rejected an appeal from that State portfolio and directed its owner Sandra Pettovello to develop a delivery plan for those items “taking into account their type, quantity, expiration date and target group, foreseeing its immediate execution”.

They pointed out that, “if you do not do so within a period of 24 hours, your conduct will constitute the crime of disobedience to a court order (article 239 of the Penal Code), beyond communicating, to the citizens, the betrayal of the postulates of the republican system.”

They also indicated that the file “attempts to establish whether public officials committed criminal acts by suspending the delivery of food to community kitchens.”

Last week, Casanello informed the Chamber that the Ministry failed to comply with its order to present a distribution plan for the products found in Villa Martelli and Tafí del Valle and directed the inspection of those warehouses.

Casanello’s disposition became known after the presentation of an appeal by the leader of Argentina Humana, Juan Grabois, and social organizations that accused the Government of withholding items acquired by the Alberto Fernández administration for soup kitchens that serve vulnerable families.

Grabois accused the Government of Javier Milei of lying and indicated that in the raids ordered by the judge, the lack of detailed amounts in the reports delivered by the Executive was detected.

They presented the stock twice, the first time with one number and the second time with another. Could it not be the rotten food they took out to avoid another new scandal? he questioned.
