Tuesday, July 02, 2024
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Kazakhstan calls for Cuba to be removed from unilateral SSOT list

Astana, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The Kazakhstan-Cuba Friendship Association has just called for the immediate removal of Cuba from the states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SSOT) list, Cuban Ambassador to Astana, Oscar Santana, said.

The diplomat told Prensa Latina that he received at the diplomatic mission headquarters the president of the Kazakhstan-Cuba Friendship Association, Erkin Sarkenov, who handed over to him a statement condemning Cuba’s permanence on the illegal SSOT list.

The document states that the Cuban people have been suffering the serious consequences of the economic, commercial and financial U.S. blockade for over 60 years, which hinders the economic development of the country and prevents the needs of the Cuban people from being met.

Including Cuba in the illegal SSOT list serves as an instrument of coercion and economic pressure against the Cuban people, the statement of the Kazakh friends points out.

Further on, the text recalls that Cuba has nothing to do with so-called terrorism, on the contrary, it has been a victim of terrorist actions coming from abroad.

And the inclusion of the Caribbean nation on this list is a major obstacle to its economic development, since anyone doing business with Cuba runs the risk of being sanctioned by the United States, the statement adds.
