Thursday, July 04, 2024
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Gaza, an unprecedented healthcare emergency

United Nations, Jun 4 (Prensa Latina) The population of Gaza is currently living in an unprecedented healthcare emergency, including injuries, traumas, mental disorders, and infectious diseases that are spreading due to the lack of essential medical services and the destruction of hospitals.

In addition, patients suffering from chronic diseases are not receiving attention, and malnutrition is spreading at an accelerated rate, according to experiences and reports from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

In nearly eight months of Israeli’s aggression on the Gaza Strip, the population has been suffering severely from a lack of healthcare services, and diseases are increasing rapidly, according to the Annual Health Report, where UNRWA warned that Gazan citizens are suffering from all kinds of injuries due to the war.

Such a damage to health care is combined with infectious diseases that are spreading due to the living conditions created by the bombings, ground attacks, and mass population displacements, resulting in overcrowding, water shortage, and lack of hygiene.

The destruction of infrastructure and transportation has further complicated the healthcare assistance for these ailments and chronic diseases, compounded by obstacles and prohibitions on the passage of international humanitarian aid.
