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China calls for concrete actions on Ukraine conflict

Beijing, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the key to the resolution of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine lies in the international community taking real actions.

At a press conference, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said China sincerely hopes that the Ukraine Peace Conference will not become a platform for creating confrontation between sides.

Last week, Beijing publicly stated that it would not attend the Ukraine Peace Summit, to be held later this month in Switzerland.

Not participating in the conference does not mean that China does not support peace. Even if individual countries participate in the event, they will not. They may not really want a ceasefire or an end to the war, the key is in actual actions, the spokesman stated.

Mao added that all efforts leading to a peaceful resolution of the crisis should be supported.

We have attached great importance to Switzerland hosting the Ukraine Peace Summit from the very beginning and have maintained close communication with the relevant authorities, he said.

China has repeatedly emphasized that the peace conference should have three important elements: recognition of both Russia and Ukraine, equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans.
