Saturday, September 07, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Argentine organization members march for gender equality and rights

Buenos Aires, Jun 3 (Prensa Latina) Members of labor, social, political, and human rights organizations are marching to the Argentine Congress on Monday to commemorate the first march of the "Ni Una Menos" (NUM) feminist movement nine years ago.

The mobilization includes feminist groups, the General Confederation of Labor, the Classist and Combative Current (CCC), and the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP).

Members of the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA) and the Autonomous CTA (CTA-A), among others, will also participate.

In addition to demanding an end to gender violence and respect for equality, participants speak out against the adjustments made by the Government of the La Libertad Avanza (Liberty Advances-LLA) party, the application of policies that threaten women, and mechanisms such as the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) No. 70/2023, and the so-called Omnibus Law, which reform eliminates more than 300 regulations and grant legislative powers to President Javier Milei.

In its profiles on social media, the NUM denounced the Executive’s measures that only bring “more poverty, loss of sovereignty, and the corporations enrichment.”
