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Argentine government employees dismissed for scandals

Buenos Aires, June 3 (Prensa Latina) The Argentine Government officially dismissed four state employees linked to former Secretary of Childhood, Adolescence, and Family, Pablo de la Torre, amid scandals involving irregular hiring and withholding food intended to popular canteens.

The dismissal of Hector Calvente, Assistant Secretary of Social Policies; Maria Lucia Raskovsky, Secretary of Territorial Policies and Human Development; Esteban Maria Bosh, National Director of Emergencies, and Fernando Cruz Molina, General Coordinator of the Microcredit Program for the Development of the Social Economy; was formalized in the Official Gazette.

Judge Sebastian Casanello recently informed the Federal Chamber that the Ministry of Human Capital had not complied with his order to present a distribution plan for almost 6,000 tons of stored food in Villa Martelli and Tafi del Valle warehouses and ordered their inspection.

Casanello’s ruling came after a complaint was filed by Juan Grabois, president of Argentina Humana, and social organizations that accused the Government of withholding goods purchased by the administration of former President Alberto Fernandez.

De la Torre was also denounced by the same Ministry before the Anti-Corruption Office for alleged contracts through the Organization of Ibero-American States to pay supplementary wages.
