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Union of revolutionary forces will ensure victory, affirmed Maduro

Caracas, June 2 (Prensa Latina) The unification of the revolutionary forces will guarantee the perfect victory of the people on July 28, the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stated Saturday in Maracaibo, state of Zulia, at a PSUV meeting.

The president called for a clear vision of the work at the meeting, which was attended by the first vice president of the Party, Diosdado Cabello, and the members of its national leadership Cilia Flores, Jorge Rodríguez, Francisco Ameliach and Rafael Lacava.

Maduro stated in the meeting with structures of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) that they are building, based on experience, a new and powerful 1X10 machinery to win the elections in a “broad and safe way.”

With this method, the militancy of the so-called red awning must attract 10 people to the polls to vote for the Revolution, just as they incorporated each political leader to add one person who had never voted or abstained in previous elections.

The president stressed that the objective is to build “the most powerful electoral mobilization machinery” that has ever been seen in the political history of Venezuela, he noted.

He stressed that the Bolivarian Revolution of the 21st century is prepared to value the regional strength of Zulia and exalt the entire identity of the Zulian people, “taking it to its maximum expression of regional identity and national identity.”

Only a revolution like ours can integrate the strength of Zulia with the strength of all of Venezuela, he emphasized.

That northwestern state is one of the four regions of the country governed by the opposition, along with Cojedes, Nueva Esparta and Barinas.

The first vice president of the PSUV described the organizational experience achieved by the political organization in 1X10, throughout the country, as an extraordinary impact.

Cabello insisted on the need for the 1X10 to be real, verifiable, auditable and not just to name names and stressed that the obligation as a grassroots militant “is to stay in permanent contact with those who make up “my 1X10.”

Prior to the meeting, the head of state was welcomed by a demonstration of women and men in Maracaibo, the state capital, where he was acclaimed by the crowd, as has been happening in the visits he makes throughout the nation.
