Saturday, September 07, 2024
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US injustice against Cuba repeatedly condemned in Sri Lanka

Colombo, May 31 (Prensa Latina) The National Freedom Front (NFF) of Sri Lanka on Friday expressed its strong condemnation of Cuba's inclusion on State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list created by the State Department of the United States.

In a press release signed by its president, Wimal Weerawansa, and addressed to US Ambassador in Colombo Julie Chung, the Sri Lankan organization stated the danger that hovers over Cuba due to the unjust categorization created by Washington.

In this regard, she mentioned examples such as Iraq, Libya, Yemen and other countries that have been victims of devastating wars that still keep them in poverty after being included in such a list.

The NFF pointed out that after that designation, the fate of these nations is unacceptable for civilized countries that respect democracy and human rights.

It also highlighted the solidarity support received by Cuba in this regard, and urged other countries to join the active global campaign in favor of Cuba’s just removal from the SSOT.

Sri Lanka, as a state that has been a traditional friend of Cuba, and our political party join the rest of the countries in that cause, the Sri Lankan front assured.
