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name of Prensa Latina
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Cuba gives priority to minors who are victims of crime

Havana, May 29 (Prensa Latina) In Cuba, attention to children and adolescents who are victims of crime is a top priority, said the second head of the Minors Attention Care Management of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), Colonel Luciana Calixtro.

Speaking on national television, Calixtro explained that exposing minors to crime entails serious consequences for those responsible, and triggers institutional action in which multiple entities in society participate.

The head of the Center for Girls, Boys and Adolescents Protection of the MININT in the capital, Lieutenant Colonel Noemí Morales, and the chief prosecutor of the Directorate of Family Protection and Jurisdictional Affairs of the Attorney General’s Office, Lay Trujillo, also participated in the program.

During the debate, they addressed the protection of minors in Cuba from three fundamental perspectives: when adults commit and expose them to crime; when they are victims and their rights are violated; as well as when they are subjected to work.

During their interventions, the authorities insisted on the responsibility of parents, families, schools, and the community to comprehensive care for children. In addition, they highlighted that it is the will of the State to comply with the postulates established in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the country and the Family Code.

Morales highlighted the mission of these institutions, which have highly qualified personnel characterized by a deep humanistic sense, due to the issue’s sensitivity. Concerning the legal treatment received by those who commit crimes and involve minors, she pointed out that the most severe sanctions are imposed and provided details about the system of investigation, support, and care for victims.

Trujillo outlined article 86 of the Constitution in force in Cuba, establishing that the State, society, and the family provide special protection to the population at this age with their harmonious development. She detailed that the Constitution prohibits minors from being linked to work, except for those adolescents who have graduated from technical-vocational education, as indicated in the Constitution and the Labor Code, she clarified.

In the end, Lieutenant Colonel Morales ratified the principle of zero tolerance for this type of situation and added that they will continue to strengthen the comprehensive work of the system to achieve the most important thing: prevention.
