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Argentine University Front to stage a 48-hour strike

Buenos Aires, May 30 (Prensa Latina) The National Universities' Union Front will stage a 48-hour strike on June 4 in order to call for better wages and denounce the lack of response from the Argentine Government, Pagina 12 informed on Wednesday.

The newspaper published a statement in which the National Federation of University Professors (CONADU), the Historical CONADU, the Confederation of Education Workers (CTERA), and other organizations making up the Front informed that the decision was made after several failed negotiations with the Executive.

The text warns that the Government has not made any concrete proposal to respond to the loss of wages, which keeps more than half of our members below the poverty line.

It also states that the sector is demanding increases that allow it to face the high inflation, the restoration of the Teacher Incentive Fund (FONID), resources for training, and other compensation mechanisms that were eliminated by the management of La Libertad Avanza (Liberty Advances-LLA) party.

The Government, far from resolving the conflict, is aggravating it. This Front presented a list of demands in the April 23 historic university march, which included updating the universities’ operating costs, which has been channeled this week.

We celebrate the beginning of this solution; we warn that it accounts for only ten percent of the budget of the higher education centers, the press release states.
