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Uruguay calls on U.S. for including Cuba on coercive SSOT list

Montevideo, May 29 (Prensa Latina) The Martin Luther King Center in Uruguay on Wednesday joined people calling for the United States to remove Cuba from its states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SSOT) list.

In a statement, the Center stresses that US government maintains coercive economic and financial measures ‘that seriously affect the Cuban people’.

It also emphasizes that Cubans face shortages of food, medicine and fuel as punishment. It adds that this is compounded by the ‘brutal economic, financial and commercial blockade’ imposed on Cuba.

The Martin Luther King Center in Uruguay reports on the U.S. decision to remove Cuba from its unilateral list of ‘nations that do not cooperate fully against terrorism’.

But it considers it partial, which is why it demands that Cuba also be removed from the SSOT list.

Cuba, far from promoting terrorism, has been promoter of solidarity, the statement claims.
