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Complaint against Ecuadorian president for electoral fraud dismissed

Quito, May 29 (Prensa Latina) The Electoral Contentious Court (TCE) in Ecuador filed today an accusation against President Daniel Noboa, for an alleged infraction during last April 21's popular consultation.

The complaint against the president was filed by citizen Marlon Pasquel, last May 22 and referred to an alleged anticipated electoral campaign for those elections.

According to the presidential counselor, Diana Jacome, Pasquel is the “sentimental partner” of an official of the Vice Presidency of the Republic who was removed the same day the complaint was filed.

The official added there are “political citizens who do not care about peace and security of the country and seek various ways to attack President Noboa”.

After receiving the complaint, a TCE judge ordered the plaintiff to clarify and complete the document within two days.

Recently, the member of the Council of Citizen Participation and Social Control (Cpccs) Juan Esteban Guarderas filed a complaint before the EDT against Vice President Veronica Abad and other politicians for engaging in advance campaigning.

In turn, the Construye movement requested Guarderas to denounce Noboa for that reason and for using public resources to promote himself for the 2025 elections.

However, in an interview with Ecuavisa television station, the CPCCCS counselor said it is not up to him to prosecute everything, although he acknowledged that the president also committed electoral fraud.
