Sunday, October 06, 2024
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Cubans in Ecuador reject their country’s inclusion in SSOT list

Quito, May 28 (Prensa Latina) The Association of Cuban Residents in Ecuador (ACURE) rejected on Tuesday Cuba's inclusion in Washington's State Sponsor of Terrorism (SSOT) list.

In a statement, to which Prensa Latina had access, ACURE recalled that on May 15, the US Government removed Cuba from a list of countries not fully cooperating with counterterrorism.

“The reasons for such a decision are the same that should be considered to remove our country from that false list once and for all,” the association’s members stated.

In the text, they denounce the double standards that Washington applies against Cuba and assert that Cuba has been a victim of terrorism for 65 years.

Even those who have practiced terrorism against Cuba have been absolved by US laws.

The Cuban residents in Ecuador also demanded the lifting of the economic, commercial, and financial blockade, which is increasingly worsening the needs of the population.
