Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Sri Lankan parliamentarian demands removal of Cuba from US list

Colombo, May 27 (Prensa Latina) The Sri Lanka-Cuba Parliamentary Friendship Association President, Tissa Vitharana, urged the U.S. government to remove Cuba from the arbitrary list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism.

The Sri Lankan parliamentarian and professor urged to put an end to this injustice in a video message sent to Prensa Latina.

Vitharana expressed his deep shock at the unjust designation that Washington maintains over Cuba.

According to his experience in visits to Cuba, he assured that Cubans do not represent a threat neither for the United States nor for any other country in the world.

I have been to Cuba, I have been related to sciences and technologies and other issues and I am quite convinced that they have no intention whatsoever to support terrorism, the parliamentarian said.

In that sense, he demanded that the U.S. government remove Cuba from the despicable list.
