Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Government of Guatemala considers extending electrical emergency

Guatemala City, May 27 (Prensa Latina) The Government of Guatemala is analyzing extending the emergency of the interconnected system to guarantee energy to everyone in the face of extreme heat, lack of rain and high demand for electrical energy.

The authorities of the Wholesale Market Administrator (AMM) requested that the Ministry of Energy and Mines extend this condition for one month, which has been in force from March 18th and will remain active until May 31st.

There is still doubt about when the rainy season will begin, so to be certain the deadline would be extended to June 30th at the latest, declared the minister of the sector, Víctor Hugo Ventura.

Data provided by AMM reported that in the first quarter of this year, hydroelectric generation fell from 22 to four percent, biomass generation fell by 6.60%, while coal generation rose by 156% and petroleum derivatives by 115%.

Electricity consumption increased 9.5 percent from January to April, and peak demand increased 7.7 percent on May 8th, doubling the normal rate.

The Minister of Energy explained that this situation is caused by the economic progress after four years of difficulties experienced since the Covid-19 pandemic, and added that more workers returned to their work activities in offices, with a reduction of the modality of teleworking, apart from the fact that high temperatures force the use of air conditioning and fans.
