Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Uruguayans call for the exclusion of Cuba from the SST list

Montevideo, May 25 (Prensa Latina) The Uruguayan Anti-imperialist Committee of Solidarity with Cuba and the Peoples of the World demands on Saturday the exclusion of Cuba from the unilateral states-sponsor-of-terrorism (SST) list.

Several groups in the Committee issued a statement in which they add their voices to many others in the world with the same demand, and for the lifting of Washington’s economic, financial and commercial blockade against the Cuban people.

The statement notes that the United States removed Cuba from the list of nations that do not fully cooperate with terrorism, but kept it on the SST list is a contradictory and arbitrary stance to seriously affect the Cuba’s diplomatic, commercial, financial, cultural, academic and other relations with the world.

This is yet another imperialist and coercive action that adds to and aggravates the economic, commercial and financial blockade suffered, and above all resisted, by the Cuban people for more than 60 years, the manifesto stresses.

It adds that this U.S. policy is in violation of international legislation and has been repeatedly voted against the blockade at the United Nations.
