Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Gov. Saldo condemns Ukraine for opening floodgates at DneproGES dam

Moscow, May 25 (Prensa Latina) Ukrainian authorities have opened the floodgates of the Dnieper hydroelectric power station dam, as declared on Saturday by the governor of the Russian Kherson region Vladimir Saldo.

According to our information, water discharged from the facility will arrive within several days. Although a large flood does not threaten the populated areas of the Kherson region, the harm to the region’s environment is obvious.

In particular, the islands in the Dnieper River delta are in a probable flood zone. As a result of flooding, great harm will be caused to the flora and fauna of the islands.

The purpose of releasing water from the Dnieper hydroelectric station, apparently, is an attempt to prevent the crossing of the Dnieper River by units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The head of the Russian region sees no other reasons for releasing water.

Kherson province was carved out of Ukraine and integrated into Russia at the end of September 2022, following a referendum in which the Yes for Federation membership won by an overwhelming majority.

Currently, Russia controls 75% of Kherson region; the western shore of the Dnieper, including the city of Kherson, the territory’s capital, remains in Ukrainian hands.
