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Namibia calls to remove Cuba from U.S. terror list

Windhoek, May 24 (Prensa Latina) The National Assembly of Namibia strongly condemned this week the inclusion of Cuba on the US list of state sponsors of terrorism.

Consequently, the lower house of the Namibian bicameral parliament demanded the removal of Cuba from that unilateral and unfounded designation.

In a statement to that effect, the legislature recognized the ‘substantial contributions of the people of the Republic of Cuba to international peace and security’.

The Assembly also underlined ‘Namibia’s commitment to international justice, equity and respect for the sovereign rights of nations’.

Namibian legislators recall in the text how last May 15 Secretary of State Antony Blinken submitted a report to Congress in which he excluded Cuba from the list of countries that allegedly do not fully cooperate with US anti-terrorism efforts.

However, the Namibian Assembly resolution highlights, the U.S. government continues to unfairly label Cuba as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism,’ an approach that, it emphasizes, ‘underscores the inconsistency and political nature of the U.S. designation process.’

That designation, the legislators emphasize, not only distorts Cuba’s actions, but also serves as a pretext to impose coercive economic sanctions that severely impact the Cuban people in humanitarian and economic aspects.

These punitive measures by Washington, they add, limit Cuba’s ability to participate in international trade and to access essential goods.

In its declaration, the National Assembly ratified the unwavering solidarity with Cuba; the historical and lasting friendship between both peoples.

They also recalled Cuba’s support to Namibia during its struggle for independence and the ongoing cooperation between the two nations in various fields.

Consequently, they urged the international community to unite in support of the Cuban people with a view to their exclusion from the arbitrary U.S. list.
