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From Mount Lhotse, Lebanese mountaineer raises the flag of Palestine

Beirut, May 24 (Prensa Latina) From Mount Lhotse, Lebanese mountaineer Nelly Attar sent a message of support and love to the people of Palestine, amid the Israeli massacres and crimes in Gaza.

On the peak of the Nepalese mountain, Attar celebrated her arrival at the fourth-highest one in the world, with a smile of triumph on her face, carrying the Palestinian flag.

The psychologist by profession shared on her Instagram and Facebook social networks the snapshots when she reached the main mountain peak of Ama Dablam (6812 meters) and Lhotse (8516 meters) in the Nepalese Himalayas.

From the mountains to the sea, this is how she headed her publication in solidarity with the Palestinian people, which received hundreds of messages of sympathy from followers and colleagues.

Terray Sylvester, Kam Dorji and Thenzi Sherpa were part of Attar’s team, on a journey that began with practical days on the Khumbu Icefall.

In 2019, Attar became the first Arab woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest, considered the highest in the world.

Since the beginning of her adventures in sport and climbing, the 34-year-old reached 14 other peaks in Asia, Europe, North America and Africa, including Wild Mountain (8611 meters, 2022), Denali (6190 meters, 2021), Kilimanjaro (5199 meters, 2018) and Gran Paradiso (4061 meters, 2017).
