Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Haiti: Dead and houses burned down by gang members

Port-au-Prince, May 23 (Prensa Latina) Twenty houses burned, four dead and an equal number of police stations ravaged have been the balance of attacks committed by gang members in the last hours in Haiti.

Members of the 400 Mawozo gang stormed the city of Thomazeau, 12 km northwest of Haiti´s capital.

Carrying automatic weapons, the gang members killed four citizens, then looted institutional premises and torched down about 20 houses.

The Haitian National Police continues to be targeted by criminal gangs, that´s why they include police stations in their plans; in fact, four of them have been rendered useless.

In this context, the daily Juno 7 recalled that 400 Mawozo led by Lanmò San Jou demolished on May 19 the civil prison of Titanyen and the police station of Croix-des-Bouquets.

The criminals were not content with destroying both compounds in 48 hours, but also filmed their misdeed and uploaded on social networks, perhaps to warn foreign forces that are about to arrive in the Caribbean nation.

“These individuals took pleasure in demolishing these infrastructures to the point of turning them into rubble using a bulldozer,” commented the aforementioned digital newspaper, which recalled that this is not the first time that civilian prisons and police stations in the country have been attacked by gangs.
