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Ecuador to create a commission for people to consult bills

Quito, May 21 (Prensa Latina) The National Assembly of Ecuador will set up the multiparty commission that will be in charge of processing all five bills resulting from the people's consultation on April 21.

On Tuesday’s plenary session, the assembly members will have to define who will make up the commission on behalf of the different benches.

Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa sent the package of bills for the application of the results of the referendum to the National Assembly last week.

The Assembly must also address changes to the Organic Law of Asset Forfeiture to facilitate that the State becomes the owner of assets of illicit or unjustified origin.

The 60-day period that the legislature has to debate and approve legal reforms began last Tuesday.

Although Noboa’s bills must be debated and the assembly members of the special multiparty commission can adjust them, in essence they cannot be rejected because they resulted from the people’s consultation; that is, the Ecuadorians already gave them their approval at the polls.
