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Kazan Forum stands up for a multipolar world

Moscow, May 18 (Prensa Latina) Participants of the International Economic Forum "Russia-Islamic World: KazanForum," held in the capital of Tatarstan, Russia, stood up for the idea of a multipolar world, TVBrics channel reported on Saturday.

Likewise, representatives of business, government departments and public organizations discussed strengthening ties with the Federation and BRICS member countries as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

The Forum aided Muslim-populated countries to cooperate on multilateral platforms and shape an international agenda, Sattar Al-Ardawi highlighted who is director general of the Iraqi News Agency (INA), and spoke at the event’s plenary session.

On the sidelines of the KazamForum, the General Director of TVBrics Janna Tolstikova presented the international media network of the BRICS nations Group, as well as the ongoing projects and links with the Autonomous Republic of Tatarstan.

The encounter hosted a meeting of the Russia-Islamic World Strategic Vision Group, where attendees debated on ways of dialogue with partners from the Muslim world to form an inclusive system of global governance.

An extensive cultural program awaits guests on the event, which will end on May 19. For example, designers from Indonesia, Russia, Egypt and other countries will present their works in a fashion show.
