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Uruguayans join voices denouncing genocide against Palestinians

Montevideo, May 16 (Prensa Latina) Social and trade union organizations in Uruguay join voices to denounce the genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza and demand the breaking of diplomatic relations with Tel Aviv.

These positions are expressed in a proclamation agreed upon by the groups that supported a march called by the Coordination for Palestine. The Coordination brings together the PIT-CNT trade union center, the Federation of University Students of Uruguay and the Uruguayan Federation of Cooperatives for Mutual Aid (Fucvam), among other organizations.

Several thousand people marched down the 18 de Julio Avenue and gathered in front of the Executive Tower, seat of the Presidency, where the spokespersons of the Coordinating Committee Rubén Benítez (of Fucvam) and Adriana Vaselli (of Servicio Paz y Justicia) published a proclamation.

The statement recalled that for the Palestinian people May is the month of the memory of the Nakba or Catastrophe.

It involved ‘the destruction of more than 500 Palestinian localities, the murder of 15,000 people, the forced expulsion of 750,000 people from their homes and lands, who were never allowed to return’.

The text points out that these crimes continue to go unpunished as part of a colonial and racist project where there is no place for the Palestinian population.

It is a ‘continuous process of dispossession, colonization, apartheid and genocide’ that today has its ‘bloodiest and most devastating chapter’, it stated.
