Monday, September 16, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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Zimbabwe and Angola strengthen cooperation

Luanda, May 15 (Prensa Latina) Angola and Zimbabwe signed today 11 legal instruments to strengthen bilateral cooperation in areas such as culture, sports, aquaculture, higher education, justice and diplomacy.

Foreign Ministers Tete António, of Angola, and Frederick Musiiwa Makamure Shava, of Zimbabwe, presided over the ceremony and signed 10 of the total number of agreements, which seek a more ambitious and fruitful collaboration, they said.

The Angolan Foreign Minister stressed that after 32 years when the last Bilateral Cooperation Commission was signed, the parties have the responsibility to do more, hence the agreements signed, which reflect ‘the strength, ambition and diversity of the opportunities offered by its sectors and economies’.

He recommended the creation of a permanent follow-up mechanism for the implementation of the instruments, so that it becomes a challenge to quickly materialize the commitments made.

The agreements were signed in the context of the second session of the Bilateral Commission, during which the foreign ministers of both nations recommended that it be elevated to the level of Binational Commission, a project to be elaborated by the Angolan side before November 30, 2024.

The meeting showed the political will of the two governments to continue deepening their relations, as well as to identify new areas of joint work in defense; agriculture; transportation; mineral resources, oil, gas, and health, among others.
