Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Call in China to increase care for the Great Wall

Beijing, May 15 (Prensa Latina) China's President Xi Jinping called for efforts to make more people aware of the Great Wall and involve more people in its protection to pass on the precious national heritage to future generations.

Xi made the remarks in a letter in response to villagers living at the foot of the Great Wall in Badaling, the most accessible section of the Great Wall, located in a northern suburb of Beijing.

Residents of Shixia Village in Yanqing District recently wrote to the president, informing him of their work in heritage protection and the changes taking place in the village.

In the reply letter, the head of State said he was pleased to learn that the villagers had taken the initiative over the years to protect the work, inherit the culture, and rely on its resources on their way to prosperity.

The Great Wall is a representative symbol of the Chinese nation and an important symbol of our civilization. It is our common responsibility to protect and transmit this historical and cultural heritage, he said.

The Great Wall is the largest-scale cultural heritage existing in China; since 2012, Xi Jinping has paid great attention to the work related to the utilization of cultural values, heritage, and protection of cultural relics of the site. Xi has given multiple instructions to advance the construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park.
