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Opposition parliamentary bench gathers signatures to impeach Boluarte

Lima, May 14 (Prensa Latina) An opposition parliamentary bloc began on Tuesday gathering signatures for a motion to impeach Peruvian President Dina Boluarte, amid a persistent political crisis.

Congresswomen Ruth Luque and Susel Paredes, from the progressive “Juntos por el Peru-Cambio Democratico” party, announced the initiative, while another left-wing group, the “Peru Libre” party, analyzes the possibility of presenting a similar motion.

Luque said that the announced motion raises two charges: obstructing justice in the Public Prosecutor’s Office investigations into the president’s undeclared possession of expensive jewelry and the investigations into her brother, Nicanor Boluarte, for possible crimes of usurpation of office and other charges.

Luque further points out that the head of State lacks suitability and transparency, for not giving explanations for a 12-day absence from office, while, according to the complaint, she was recovering from cosmetic surgery.

The prosecutor’s office also opened an investigation into the deactivation of an elite police group that supported the Special Team of Anti-Corruption Prosecutors in Power (EFICCOP), a measure taken the night before the arrest of the president’s brother and lawyer.

Luque added that Boluarte should leave office because he has incurred in ‘a flagrant, systematic and permanent affectation of a president who does not respect the autonomy of powers’.
