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U.S. undermines world peace and security, DPRK condemns

Pyongyang, May 12 (Prensa Latina) The United States is the Western power that violates peace and security in the world, denounced the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), after commenting on Washington's support to the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

This year, the international community witnessed how the United States, a permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC), hindered the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip by repeatedly vetoing resolutions to that effect, the Rodong Sinmun newspaper said.

The reality shows that peace and security can never be thought of apart from the anti-imperialist struggle, says the official organ of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea, quoted by the ACNC news agency.

Strengthening self-defense capability is not only the struggle to defend dignity and interest of the State and the security of the people, but also the confrontational battle to thwart the U.S. aggression and war moves, the publication stresses.

Rodong Sinmun said that it is indispensable for safeguarding peace to intensify solidarity among independent and struggling countries against the U.S. hegemony and pacifist forces and thwart in time the aggression and war machinations of Washington and its satellites.
