Wednesday, September 18, 2024
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Cuban mission promotes business with the Basque Country

Madrid, Apr 9 (Prensa Latina) A Cuban business delegation, headed by the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Antonio Carricarte, held a meeting today with his counterpart from Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Javier Zubia, in the presence of more than twenty Spanish firms.

The occasion was favorable for exchanging information on the economic and commercial developments of the Basque Country and Cuba, according to official sources.

Besides Carricarte, Ainhoa Ondarzabal, director of the Basque Agency for Internationalization, and Saturnino Ornazabal, president of the Association of Basque Businessmen in Cuba, also took part in the meeting.

During the talks, they highlighted the excellent relations with the Basque Country, which celebrates 25 years since its first participation in the Havana International Fair (FIHAV) with its own pavilion.

In this way, it ratified its decision to be present in the next edition of Cuba’s largest commercial exchange.

The Caribbean island is the fifth destination for Basque exports to Latin America.

More than 40 companies from that territory, most of them of an industrial nature, are established in Cuba.

On the other hand, during the talks in Gipuzkoa were valued the possibilities of advancing in sectors such as agribusiness, renewable energies, mining, biotechnology and tourism.

Likewise, Carricarte met with the President of the Gipuzkoa Chamber of Commerce, Mauricio Arregui Aulestiarte, where he signed the honor book of that institution and specified the possible actions to be developed during 2024.

The Cuban delegation is made up of representatives of micro, small and medium-sized private and state-owned companies, as well as entities of the Foreign Trade Business Group and the Geominsal Group.
