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Cuban singer Liuba María Hevia to perform in Chile

Santiago, Chile, May 8 (Prensa Latina) Cuban singer songwriter Liuba María Hevia will perform at the Radio Universidad de Chile's concert hall on June 18, more than three decades after her first visit to this country.

A press release on the University’s website stated that the Cuban artist will return to Santiago to sing her best music. The composer of renowned songs like “Tu amor es el canto mío” (Your Love Is My Song), “Si me falta tu sonrisa” (If I Miss Your Smile), and “Coloreando la esperanza” (Coloring Hope) first visited Chile in 1991 to participate in the Santiago International Fair.

“The visit was short, and I fell in love with this country. Everything, Víctor Jara, the history, culture, people,” she recalled. Hevia, who is also a member of Cuba’s New Song Movement, noted that she had always felt a marked attraction for emblematic groups here and had followed the life and work of Violeta Parra.

Liuba María Hevia has received the Cuban Culture Distinction, and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) named her Goodwill Ambassador in 2012 due to her sustained social work with children.
