Saturday, September 07, 2024
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Ecuador approves law to deliver resources to local governments

Quito, May 7 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador’s National Assembly, Parliament approved on Tuesday a law requiring the Government to deliver financial resources corresponding to the prefectures and municipalities.

With 106 votes in favor and 14 abstentions from the ruling party, the legislature gave the green light to the Law to Ensure the Direct and Timely Allocation of Resources from Permanent and Non-permanent Revenues.

The law establishes that economic resources will pass directly from the single treasury account to the Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GAD), that is, to the accounts of local administrations without an order from the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The Citizens’ Revolution movement’s bench said in a statement that they supported this legal initiative that provides for the balance of the debt owed by the Executive to the provinces and municipalities within 90 days.

On Tuesday, a group of mayors, prefects and members of parish councils were at the Assembly’s headquarters to explain their situation in light of the lack of resources.

The prefect of Pichincha, Paola Pabon, president of the Consortium of Autonomous Provincial Governments of Ecuador (CONGOPE) said that the provinces alone are owed USD$570 million, which has a direct impact on the lack of works and the payment of civil servants.

In relation to the approved provision, the authority said that ‘it is an important first step towards solving the structural debt with the GADs’.

The head of the Assembly, Henry Kronfle, of the Christian Social Party (PSC), was the one who proposed the now approved bill and pointed out that the delays in the delivery of resources are not only the fault of the current Government.

The law must now go to the desk of President Daniel Noboa, who can veto it, in whole or in part, or approve it to enter into force after its publication in the Official Register.
