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Cuba calls for a peaceful world and social justice

Guantanamo, Cuba, May 6 (Prensa Latina) The participants in the 8th International Seminar on Peace and the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases advocated a peaceful world and social justice, journalistic sources said on Monday.

The event, which started on May 5 with the participation of 80 delegates from 30 countries, concluded on Sunday in the eastern province of Guantanamo, nearly 1,000 kilometers east of Havana, where the Government of the United States has maintained a military base since 1903.

In the town of Caimanera, adjacent to the US naval base, which has been designated as a torture center for prisoners without legal protection, the pacifists signed the Final Declaration of the event, which supported the Proclamation of Latin America as a Zone of Peace.

According to the Cuban News Agency (ACN), the peace and anti-imperialist activists denounced the aggressiveness and interference of Washington and its allies, which maintain dozens of military bases around the world without the nations’ consent.

They noted the need to stop the proliferation of those enclaves and demanded the closure of the existing ones, including that of Guantanamo, the US oldest base in the Western Hemisphere.

The document rejects the cyber war and communication disinformation campaigns from operation centers established by the US Army and its allies from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Participants in the two-day seminar also demanded an end to Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people and the end of weapons and ammunition supplies to the Israel and Ukraine.

As part of the meeting, the World Peace Council and its allied organizations also called to strengthen alliances with the Cuba solidarity movement in several countries in search of a peaceful and just solution, the source pointed out.
