Thursday, September 19, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Colombian Government and EMC hold peace talks

Bogotá, May 6 (Prensa Latina) Social dialogue will take place from May 6-10 in communities of Caquetá, northwest of Colombia, as part of the negotiations between the Colombian Government and the Central General Staff (EMC).

The meetings will be held in the municipalities of Florencia and San Vicente del Caguán, and will be attended by Amazonian indigenous peoples, Afro communities, community associations, churches and local authorities.

Delegates from the national Government and members of the Central General Staff, dissidents from the defunct Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army will also participate.

Officials from the National Land Agency, the Ministry of Education, Agriculture and the Special Assets Society will also be present to assess the proposals presented by the community and local authorities to execute investment projects in critical areas where the EMC is present.

The Government delegation is traveling to San Vicente del Caguán together with representatives of the guarantor countries: Ireland, Switzerland, Venezuela and Norway, and members of the UN mission.
