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Solidarity campaign with Cuba advances in Chile

Santiago de Chile, May 3 (Prensa Latina) Chilean graduates from the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) and the Gladys Marín Foundation organized a new solidarity campaign with Cuba to raise funds.

“With this initiative, we want to be reciprocal with a people that helped many Chileans at different times in history,” doctor Ariel Ramírez, from the ELAM-Chile NGO, told Prensa Latina. He also recalled that the medical school was born as a solidarity project founded by Fidel Castro for training young people from humble families who would not have been able to afford a degree in their countries.

Communist militants, groups, and organizations of the Solidarity Movement joined the solidarity campaign, which is called “Put your grain of love for Cuba.”

“The Communist Party is going to adhere, with all its capabilities and all its members, to the call,” said the president of the movement, Lautaro Carmona, who recently visited Cuba.

Carmona expressed in a meeting with the militancy that the trip allowed him to learn in detail the effects of the blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba for the simple fact of determining to build its own process.

Jorge Coulón, founder of the Inti Illimani group, and member of the Gladys Marín foundation, declared that “the Cuban people have paid a tremendously high price in these more than 60 years for becoming a fortress of resistance to imperialism.”

Ricardo Soler, who is part of the team of the Communist Party of Chile, which supports the initiative, declared that it will spread throughout the country, and recalled that Cuba supported Chile many times, among them, when the 1960 earthquake in Valdivia and that of 2010, to which the Henry Reeve medical brigade was sent.
